It took 5 days and 3 men, but the Tulikivi is now finished and sitting proudly in the center of the living area. It was quite a process assembling those 6,700 pounds of soapstone into the fabulous monolith. I took lots of pictures trying to get the idea of how it went up. I have them in the Gallery. You will find them
Remember, you can click the little 2 and 3 at the bottom of each page to see the next page. Or use the arrows on the bigger pictures (double click on the first one to enlarge it).
Day 1 - worked all day to get the base course level. Our concrete slab is anything but even and this turned out to be quite a challenge.
Day 2 - mortared in the first course and layed up the next level
Day 3 - another course and the puzzle that is the trail for flame and smoke.
The heat goes up through the openings and down around the sides before exiting at the bottom back under the bench and up the chimney - quite the serpentine path.
Day 4 - more courses - both firebox and oven door openings are now evident. I am looking forward to that first "stone oven" pizza.
Day 5 - finishing with the final course, the insulating and capping. They were very meticulous at the finishing - every joint was inspected. It is marvelous.
Enjoy the pictures - we will enjoy the warmth. First small fire is due to be tested in 3 days.
Tulikivi sharon_betts berm passive_solar