I just took a quick look at the blog and discovered that it has been two months since our last post. We have been busy with the garden and outside chores, but are now slowing down as Fall approaches. It was a bad year for gardening - very very wet early and cool most of the months. The corn is small and just today we discovered the borers are starting to take their share. The tomatoes managed to contract the blight that has been infesting potato fields in northern Maine as well as tomatoes around us. They rot as they ripen and there will be no juice or sauce made from this poor crop. Dave planted pumpkins and they seem to be doing well - now, what to do with them to save for the winter?
Inside we did make continued progress with only some baseboard and trim to finish before saying, "Done!" The bathroom towel cabinet and end of hall bookcases are nearing completion. That will leave the table in the study and a utility sink at the back entrance. Who would have thought it would take this long to really finish this place?
We are thinking about ways to use renewables to supplement our hot water. Propane is our one fossil fuel use and it would be great to see it at least dwindle. Stay tuned.
I think I have some pictures on the camera and will see if anything is worth posting - hopefully, I can get back to this more regularly.
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