Thursday, March 29, 2012

Some doggy videos

Sira is learning to follow the scents around the lot.

They still love to tussle - especially in the snow.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saving my Back

After 13 years of grooming giant breed dogs - my back said "no more".  I gave in and ordered a grooming table, then Dave built a great entry platform to make it even easier.  No more excuse for all the balls of undercoat blowing down my hallways?

This came from the PetEdge in MA. and is very sturdy and large enough.

Friday, March 09, 2012

Today I visited my previous school district and took Sira (of course). We started at the Central Office where the staff ooed and aahed- loved took pictures and generally went crazy over the girl. She was the little Princess. On to the technology office and 3 men - again, she took the show and met several High School students and teachers on the way - loved them all!

Then we went to the Elementary school - same routine with one BIG caveat - an entire classroom of 4th graders all on the floor and Sira basking in the middle - not overwhelmed at all and going full throttle! I was so proud! The teacher took some pictures on her phone, I hope she sends me at least one.

Back to the Middle School where she met a couple of students from the Life Skills program and lots of teachers and staff - Center of attention!

WOW! I see big time therapy coming up. What a day! and they are to have us come back soon.

Thank you to all my friends at MSAD#52 - I miss you guys!