It's Spring - that means a lot more time outside and not so much to report for the "construction". Dave has been working on the bathrooms - we also have the shower now finished (hired it completed). The shower is a walk-in and sits on the north side of the house. That means there are no windows - day light is courtesy of a solatube though. We worry about any moisture in this part of the house. So, we had a complete system installed using a waterproofing called Schluter-Ditra

(a polyethylene membrane with a grid structure of square, cut-back cavities and an anchoring fleece laminated to its underside. In conjunction with tiled coverings,
Schlüter®-DITRA forms an uncoupling, waterproofing, and vapor pressure equalization layer.). First this covering is applied (like wallpaper - you can see the finished product on the left), then the tile is laid using a special bonding agent. It looks quite nice and we are certainly enjoying being able to take showers again. There are some pictures posted in the Gallery of the process.
The tub bathroom is now painted - Mozart, a very light lavender from True Value. We have some trim to install there around the tub, sink and baseboard. Dave does a much better job with the paint brush than I do.
sharon+bettsbermedpassive+solarTurbo Tagger
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